Projects & Services
Codification of legal systems
Supporting local lawyers, professionals and institutions to engineer & gamify legal systems (towns, villages, etc.) to optimize their economic value valorising their unicity, history and biology and foster human relative happiness, so to make them 'just by design'.
Legal service on algorithm©, part of a new 'theory of everything'.
Codification of listed and highly regulated companies
Sustainable transformation of listed and highly regulated companies with web 3.0 technologies to relieve them from the weight of the law (regulatory compliance, risks and liabilities), with a view to make them more competitive and 'just by design'. Token emissions.
Transforming liabilities into new investments.
Legal engineering protocol for lawyers and other advisors​​​​
Third Party Funding 3.0
Legal advisory for financial institutions and private investors willing to invest in sustainable innovation and legal claims on quantized systems.
Third Party Funding 3.0 is an asset class interrelated to the full expression of human and natural potential.
Legal service on algorithm©
Antitrust liability risk
Legal advisory for leniency proceedings and liability risk insurance.
Advisory and litigating with the universal and mathematical
laws of nature
Defending those that are normally defined as impossible claims
Defeating Consumer Class Actions - Global Co-Counseling
Defeating ESG claims - Global Co-Counseling
Defeating standard financial / uncorrelated third party funded claims.